
Sunday 1 February 2015

Calendar challenge 2015. February.

Happy 1st Feb everyone, it's calendar show and tell time again. Last month we had 16 entries, did you visit them all? there were some fantastic transformations. If you missed them go and see them HERE. 

If you are new here and you are wondering what the Calendar challenge is all about then take a look at my intro post HERE.

So the rules for February were.. 

1.. Keep a part of the original picture and incorporate that into your design
2, Technique - Paint effect caused by using clingfilm or bubble wrap 
3. Add some corrugated card
4. Blog your calendar page and link up from Feb 1st 2015

This is how my February page started out.. 

Rule 2, is use the clingfilm or bubble wrap technique to achieve a paint effect. I blended several blues of Fresco paint into the sky area,  while the paint was still very wet I added the clingfilm. I let it wrinkle up, then patted into place and left to dry. 

It is always a bit of a surprise as to how this will turn out, never the same twice... I love these wrinkle marks. 

Rule 3 is to add some corrugated card. I cut a piece the same size as my calendar, then cut out the four sections to make this into a window. I used French Roast, then Brown Shed and then Snowflake to create the old worn look to my window frame. 

Next I worked on the trees, I left most of the original tree trunks, but went over the foliage, making it bigger and brighter. I used a fan brush, and layered 4 greens, darkest to lightest. 

I then coloured the water, it was dull and dark before, so I lightened it right up. I left the horse and cart, just adding an outline to them with a permanent pen. 

next I added birds tot he sky, using Archival ink  using the flying birds stamp from EDY10

I also added red dots to the trees, for a little splash of colour.

Here is how the page looks now, I was going to leave the dog, he was cute, but he ended up being covered up. 

 I glued on the window frame.

Next I cut a vase from text paper, painted it red to echo the red in the trees, added some shading and then added flower stems from EDY10. 

I then used lots of left over painted papers amd stamped the flower heads from EDY10 I layered them up and added accents with liquid pearls. 

I added a little humour to the guys in the cart, one has cast a spell on the other and now he has a silly hat. 

I then used the same greens from the top page on the bottom page, adding in some of the red too.  I used a brand new stamp set for the days of the week, the numbers and the month. These stamps will be available soon from your favourite PaperArtsy stockist. 

ooooh sneaky peek alert!

I just love this February font stamp.. 

Here is the finished calendar page. I love the colours and textures this month. 

I hope you have enjoyed seeing my calendar this month, I look forward to seeing yours. Below is the linky tool for this month, but first you need the rules for next month. 

Rules for March. 
1.. Keep a part of the original picture and incorporate that into your design
2, Technique -  use a candle or wax crayon as a resist
3. Add a title, using letters or words cut from a magazine/leaflet in a ransom style.
4. Blog your calendar page and link up from March 1st 2015


  1. Wow this is stunning! Love all of it - the windows, the altering the original colouring of the scene but most of all I love the sneaky peek and your flower vase at the front X

  2. Superb... And love the comedy moment too. The vase and of course your gorgeous flowers are fab. My link is coming in a moment... Been ready for weeks in excitement. Hopefully march's will get started later today!
    C xxx

  3. Love this page, the original painting is pretty good, but I love the Darcy treatment you've given it!! I saw the stamps in Craft Stamper in the PA ad yesterday, lol! The window is a great idea. -

  4. Loving you February page Darcy, will be linking very soon. Looking forward to creating March's page and the ransom style lettering sounds great. Wonderful inspiration as always Darcy :-) xxx

  5. This is fab - you've turned Constable into an Impressionist!! I have cheated and linked January's page. Hope you won't shout at me lol. I have started February and will be ON TIME this month, promise. Lynn xx

  6. Darcy I love LOVE it, I think it is even better looking now.

    thanks for hosting this fun'age


  7. Love what you have done! Absolutely brill.

  8. This is just FABULOUS, month I'm going to try to get my hands into it all...not just digital. Where to begin.......I so love what you've creative. That's why YOU'RE the inspiration for us! :)

  9. I has been a little naughty lol :D XXX

  10. That's terrific! I got as far as putting gesso on my January page & it's been sitting on a box in my craft room ever since. I still don't know what to do with it. Sigh.

  11. This is amazing - I live in Constable territory and wish my window was as picturesque ! Loving this challenge...xx !!

  12. Love this Darcy! I do so adore your flowers! Don't think I've quite got the hang of this yet, but Oh! I am having fun! I will start to think about March little bit sooner!! Chrisx

  13. Fantastic page! I'm still working on my Jan page... late but not quitting!!! Feb WILL be on time!

  14. Wow. I love what you did here. I'm going to have to try the cling film thing.

    Great calendar spread!

  15. Oh so clever!! I did buy a calendar and haven't had time to do January yet!

  16. I've now managed to january and February! Put both on the same page, and hopefully won't get behind again.

  17. Wow wow wow really loving the way you have done the window style, really awesome. The background is amazing, the extra's on the tree's and the features of the calendar is fantastic. Love it. Happy Art :-) Kezzy xxx
