
Monday, 31 January 2011

52 Pages 2011

Page 5. Encourage.

Definition = Give support, confidence, stimulation or hope to (someone).

We all start out with great intentions, some falter and fall by the wayside. Sometimes we lose our way in life. Do you need encouragement right now? who will you turn to? How will they give you the boost that you need?


  1. Yessss,
    I love this cue word. Now that I am all caught up, I'll be on top of this :)

  2. I think I will make something you are asking us too for my daughter I think she needs a boost, support and stimulation! Thank you for the challenge - idea, I don't play along but I can try to do this!
    Lots of hugs,

  3. Encouragement! Terrific word. I love when I have the opportunity to encourage others. I do appreciate you sharing this post with us.

  4. you are in the draw

    I have no time to photograph my shoes this evening - will do it tomorrow - I did not realise how many return visits I'd need to make with the 1 world thing...she'd shrunk it by the time I got there BTW

    also we ( Amy & I) are plotting to get you (as a fellow insomniac) to join the Amy Wine Hour, but I need to sort out a safe chat room on face book - let me know if you want to before I spend hours working it out...

  5. bollards, you Cannot believe How Many Emails can accumulate unbidden in an Off Sick Person's inbox, I will try to find time to set up the Amy Wine Hour for ten pm GMT, will mail you details, and will have shoes on show...

