
Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Firstly...PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE scroll back up and read that post up there. ^^^^^It is about an amazing artist who is offering free downloads of his online art magazine and is also offering some bargain priced art classes. Have you ever wished you could REALLY DRAW....check out the links and bag yourself a place on the course.

Wow I haven't taken part in sooo long, sorry about that. I have been working on my woyww anniversary gift though and it is almost done.

On my desk this week, is a half finished project,(this will eventually become a square teapot) a bottle of water and an overflowing bin....pretty much sums me up there I think lol

there is also an Ozzy cd, that I totally forgot that I had, and was delighted to find again, and a bunch of tags on a book ring that I will blog about later in the week. There also seems to be 2 drums of salt, and I can't for the life of me remember why they are there.


  1. The square tea pot looks adorbz! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who creates in total chaos. Also? Adorable pig tails!! *swoon!*

  2. i do NOT have that ozzy cd -
    perhaps i will see if kazaa is still legal and up
    if so, i'll dL it tomorrow.


    i love those pigtails and i do hope that everyone has the
    to take note of your
    super cute
    septum ring.


  3. wait a minute.
    why the heck am i not on your left hand column thing?

    that's turds.

  4. Wow! I have a cutting mat just like your :D People keep telling me I need a new one, but I couldn't find one in the shops with the "added extras". They just don't look right without ink n paint n glue all over them ;) XXX

  5. Two salt containers? Very curious. Interesting tag book. Will await further information.

  6. lots of lovely goodies there, Happy WOYWW 99, Thank you for sharing your desk with us much appreciated it. A great desk. #31.

  7. That tea pot is going to be amazing! I can't wait to see it!

  8. Nice teapot! Interesting looking pictures in the previous post. Going to go check it out. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #35

  9. WEll, that is an assortment of things on your workdesk. Look forward to seeing the teapot finished. Thanks for sharing (plus the above post)

  10. A square teapot - you go girl! Great idea.

  11. Re-discovering Ozzy is very exciting! That is some seriously great artwork in your above to check out the online mag, thansk for sharing....Esther xx

  12. My desk is in chaos at the moment as well, it just means your creating! Your teapot is going to look amazing, to tell you the truth I love it now and would use it as is for a trinket box! lol

  13. The square teapot is intriguing!!! Salt?????

  14. Ooo Darcy, I am incredibly late thanks for popping over..and glad to see you hard at work here.. happy belated WOYWW and TFS! Shaz in oz.x

  15. fuck - amy is the top of your left hand list I have to change my name to aaamy

    why did I miss you on the woyww thing???

    you have two things of salt from the salt dough making I bet...

    only the memories are bad so you wiped them clean from your head...

    I came here to check out the page makers - why am I here instead, going to find the 52 pages thing...
