
Friday, 6 January 2012

Postcard Challenge 2012

Here it is folks, the first show and tell...

This week the country was Austria.

I decorated the page in my book, with the flag, some music and an Edelweiss flower.

The postcard slips into the envelope..

The front of my card shows a town in Austria with the mountains behind.

and here is the back, the start of my correspondence..

So let us see yours!!

Upload your photos to your blog or the the Flickr group and then leave your name and a link in the Mr. Linky widget thing...come back later and visit all the blogs that are linked up and leave some comments.. you have all weekend to visit each other.

Country number 2 will be posted on Monday.

Check you are also linked in the master list <--- over there on the left, if you aren't let me know in the comments.

On Sunday I will do a small giveaway of some postage stamps. I will draw 3 names from those that have played this week.



  1. Awwww, beautiful postcard - and the envelope and page are just as gorgeous.

    I wonder what Charlie's story will be?!

    Looking forward to visiting everyone else's postcards, I really enjoyed doing mine!


  2. Woohooo!!!! :D I used Edelweiss too :D XXX

  3. I like the contrast of the trees, and the edelweiss is very pretty,

    off to catch a look at Jo and Gina's now,


  4. Nice to have started! Love your pretty envelope. Valerie

  5. I don't think I have ever been so excited by a challenge!! I love the mystery of it all and not knowing the next country...

    I adore your little scene - so pretty, and the book looks amazing - reminds me to get started on building mine this weekend!!

    Thank you so much for organising this :)

  6. So many lovely ideas, I can feel the creativity just wizzing around from blog to blog. I amglad we haven't all started in Vienna!

  7. Wow!!! I have been awake all night waiting to post on my blog!

    I love this challenge I have so many ideas in my head, I can't wait to see where we are going next.

  8. Oh, I love those mountains! :) I'm looking forward to checking eeryons blogs today. :)

  9. Beautiful postcard. Thank you for running this challenge, I CANNOT wait to see the next country !!! A xx

  10. Mine won't be ready till tonight or tomorrow now as this afternoon will be the first chance I'll get to finish it. Enjoying everyone else's though!

  11. Wonderful Darcy! Love your pc! And the start of your story!

  12. after a rather sleepless night for all sorts of reasons, what was the first thing I did this morning .... grab my coffee in the usual way ? not a chance, the first thing I did before even getting one foot out of the bed was open my laptop to see the postcards challenge group on facebook to see who'd already posted their cards LOL

    Brilliantly done Darcy, as soon as I finish the coffee I'm now working my way through I shall take photos and post them to my blog, I cant be trusted around the nikon until the cup is completely empty I'm afraid :p

    Helen xx

  13. Lovely flower and town! Thanks for the challenge!

  14. Lovely job Darcy... love the envelope and the way it suits the page - not worked out quite how to do mine yet! I also love the opening to your story... looking forward finding out more about their relationship.

  15. All looks brilliant Darcy love your decorating of the envelope and the postcard is gorgeous. Thanks for all your time and patience in starting this challenge.

    Hugs Shirley x x

  16. Love your postcard and envolope!
    Thank you for doing this challenge, I am really enjoying it already!

  17. Posted in "linky" woot! Love yours darcy!!

  18. I have been so excited about this challenge, but I'm having a much harder time getting started than I thought I would. I have my images I want to work with, and you've inspired me further. I'll be working on it again today. Can't wait to see everyones!

  19. Darcy love your postcard. Thanks for the challenge.

  20. added to Mr Linky now :)

  21. Seems we were inspired by the same photo Darcy. I love the bright colours of it and actually changed my plan for the card because of it. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.

    please add me to your master list. My blog address is

  22. I LOVED doing this activity. I was not only inspired but I felt so at peace imagining myself sitting in these locations sketching. THANK YOU!!!

  23. I couldn't get my head around what to do. Now I have seen a few samples, I know where I am at, it isn't as complicated as I was imagining, so I'm off and running. Thanks Darcy and a few others for the inspiration. Cazro

  24. Just posted having a great time making these..

  25. Oh Darcy it is goreous I love the scene. I could just pop into that postcard to go for apre-ski.Thank you so much for this challenge. I learned some new stuff, mine is finally done and posted so now I am going to sit back and read all the blogs.

  26. Super fun & super Art from everyone. Love that it is the same country & all are so different :-)

  27. Soz Darcy I messed up again. I guess it is because I am just so tired(flat out working week)my link on no 23 is wrong I have made another one and wondered if you could delete it. Thanks you are a darling!

  28. Just posted my card. Love looking at everyone's images and imaginations. Such fun. Thanks, Darcy for taking this on. Off to work on my book page.

  29. oops! forgot to mention I love your little town with the awesome mountains in the background. And the Edelweiss flower is beautiful. Forgot about that.

  30. Love your postcard..still finsihing mine off after completely scrapping the first attempt and starting again !! Thanks so much for all your work..looks like it's off to a flying start, gonnna be great! xx

  31. I've been poorly over the past few weeks, only a cold but it's been sapping my mojo. Thanks for the interest, excitement and joy I've had this afternoon. So pleased I have joined in. Only had time to look at a 1/3 of the entries, so far, but they, including yours are amazing. Cazro

  32. love the postcard and the eidelweiss on the envelope its just beautiful. Thanks for the challenge and the encouragement


  33. oh the envelope. the envelope!!!! I only just decided to join at the last minute and haven't made a book yet. the idea of an envelope just kicks this to another level. your envelope and postcard are just beautiful. i get the feeling this is going to obsess me. going to spend tomorrow morning looking at all the other posts. YAY!

  34. Here's my first card:

  35. What a wonderful challenge, I love your village scene and the envelope is fab-u-lous! I think this challenge may become my new addiction lol, i'm racking my brains for ideas for a book. Thanks for the inspiration Darcy
    Claire xx

  36. Wonderful challenge, Darcy! My imagination has been running riot. Love your village scene and I would never have thought of an envelope. Thank you for brightening up my year already!

    Janet xx

  37. I love those barren trees in front of the colourful houses... and the mountains seem to loom right over them. Beautiful :-)

  38. first time I have ever done this, really looking forward it, cant wait for the next country.Thank you Darcy for coming up with a great idea. mags.x

  39. Hi Darcy, the "postcard" is a stamp from stampin up.on loan from my friend tracey.x

  40. Just decided to hop on the train and enter the Postcard Challenge! I'd like to take a minute to thank you for giving me the chance to participate in such a creative challenge. Can't wait to see what the year brings!!! :)

  41. Sure, that's why I used my surname in the linky-thingy! I saw there already was a Sandra. My full name is Sandra Hoogland, just use as you need! :)
    Thanks for stopping by an leaving me a comment!

  42. I am late entering the game but I have mine card done and posted. Yeah, this is going to be so much fun.

  43. Just did my Mr. Linky. Completely forgot about it after posting the card to my blog yesterday.
    Loving this challenge so far!!

  44. Is this where I link up? I hope so here's my first postcard

  45. Darcy my postacrds are now posted on Flickr

    Can't wait for next country
    Joyce AKA fotojoy

  46. linked linked linked.!

    i better get some wine and visit around.
    nothing like a hearty glass of wine to spur some random and inappropriate comments..

  47. I can not believe I got it done and Half ass-edly posted on my crappy blog but I did and now I am excited about country number two!
    Thank you Darcy for such a great Challenge!

  48. Darcy I love your envelope! I'll be making a storage art piece as time goes on. For now I have my first painted postcard front and a written back. My cards are 'fairy' cards so are 3 inches X 2 inches (some painting is done with the aid of a magnifying glass) but an enlargement of 100% will bring them up to the size required. I am so looking forward to seeing what everyone creates! What a great idea you had with this challenge! *smiles* Norma

  49. Finally got mine done and linked hon thankyou for the challenge, I am so enjoying this xxx

  50. Love your Edelweiss and the postcard is fab. Thanks for the great challenge - looking forward to the next country!

  51. Late to the party, but I made it. Your postcard is fabulous. Mine is digi. Hope it's okay.

  52. I just added my name to the Mr Linky list. I'm so excited about this project!!! Thanks so much for the challenge!

  53. Thank you for your prompt message Darcy and for accepting me late. Super inspiration from you.
    Jen x

  54. I think posted in linky, correctly Darcy? Love this challenge, will certainly get my blogging butt back in gear:):) YOur postcard ROCKS!!!!

  55. Love the envelope and the postcard.
    Jen x

  56. Well, better late than never. It took a bit to get things started but now it is fun. Looking forward to the next one. Rita and I are posting once a month each, so you'll find 2 posts from Lucie and Jenny, unless we get really excited and post more as time permits! Thanks for this - what a fun challenge!

  57. Darcy, this is so much fun! This is my first official link to my new blog. Thank you for the inspiration

  58. Well I have made a start, love your card and tips.
