
Friday 24 February 2012

Postcard Challenge 2012

week 8 Cuba. Wow this one was hard, I found inspiration distinctly lacking this week, those of you who use the fb group felt the same. I a not overly happy with my card, or the page, but they are done.

I had no clue where to start with this country, I googled and found out a little about Ernest Hemmingway.

Ernest Hemingway isn't just remembered in Cuba, he's an institution and a cottage industry. 
The rambunctious American writer first started frequenting the island in the 1920s, when he 
was living just across the straits in Key West, the southernmost of the islands on the tip of the
U.S.state of Florida.Cuba formed the backdrop for a lot of his writing, particularly 'The Old Man and the Sea', and the farm he lived in became a pilgrimage in the 1950s for Hollywood's rich and fashionable. Hemingway was genuinely loved in Cuba, where he was known simply as "Ernesto"

So I printed out his book cover and stuck it to my page, cutting a slit where it covered the envelope beneath.

The card tucked into the page..

I had no clue what to do on my card, but then I read how Cubans love to play Dominoes...yeah really! 

So I sketched some dominoes..

On the back I tried the edge with the blue fro the flag colour, and added the red detail and my message. i do hope he is safe in Cuba, the situation seems to have escalated and he may not be.


Add your name and blog link and then go visit each other.

Don't forget to check back on Sunday for a giveaway.


  1. could use some cleaners myself lol Great idea to use Dominoes....and one of your characters is a Hemingway lol :D XXX

  2. I love your postcard! I didn't know Cubans liked to play dominoes! Love all the facts we find out each week!

  3. Now I thought you would get inspiration first and then call the next country, like a little step ahead of us! I'm sorry Cuba ended up to be such a struggle but you did wonderful! ♥
    Off to check out a couple other cards! :)

  4. Although I do not have a fixed story in my head, I do have a general direction and some countries are definitely more challenging to include than others! At least it is a group struggle :) you have definitely drawn dominoes so can't be all that bad.....

  5. More learning here did not know that about Hemingway. The dominoes are a neat idea as is you page.
    Jen x

  6. I'm not sure is it a compliment that I caused you to sleep for seven hours,

    am I really that boring?

    have to do work work work, but will be postcarding later,

    must absolutely get together again soon - Clare H has offered me a bed as have you, and Jo and I are going to see Dolores (Cardarian) so will book leave around all the people I need to spend time with but it will be after April when the annual leave kicks in again....

    perhaps it is cake that helps you sleep? oh and I haven't posted your package yet cos I keep finding stuff to put in and now I need to wait for pay day ( tues) to afford the package - will tell you when it is on its way cos you will need to be in it won't fit through the letterbox.

  7. Great research - even though I did this book at school for O level and found it incredibly boring!!
    Love the book cover idea very much.

    Janet xx

  8. Cuba was a bit tricky until I hit on the idea of cigars....

    I am worried about the 'lying low' business... too many mojitos and they will be under the table... is that what they mean???

  9. I also didn't know about the Dominos! great sketch! Totally inspired use of the old book cover, it makes a fab envie! Mx

  10. I am not a big fan of Hemingway, but I totally love what you did with the book cover and your card. You always do such great research and wonderful art, Darcy! My bookseller would find you as delightful as I do. (I ought to know!) Thanks again for this fab project.

  11. Lovely work, great idea with the dminoes and Hemingway! Valerie

  12. Love the dominoes....went thru a faze as a teenager where I adored Hemingway....and now I can barely remember anything he wrote :0/

  13. I enjoyed Old Man and the Sea. I have tried to read some other Hemmingway work but just can't get into it. Your postcard is great.

  14. brilliant as always Darcy :)

    I've caught up now and added Cuba, Wales and Belgium to my blog separate entries for each week

    enjoy :)

    Helen x

  15. The dominoes were very inspired. I wouldn't have thought of that! I like how you just cut along the edge of the envelope as well.

  16. Loving the Hemmingway thing - great book! And the dominoes look fab... Bx

  17. Yes, Hemingway! Of course! (smacking forehead)Great angle -and I like your dominoes card idea too!

  18. Loving the chance to see the world with everyone!

  19. Never knew about the dominoes. we learn something every week on this challenge. great postcard...

  20. Hemmingway was a fabulous idea. I'm glad to be back in the game. LarkspurVicki

  21. I had no idea about the Dominoes! I have a Spanish friend from Australia who LOVES them. The plag, by the way, was inspired! I took my cues from the Buena Vista Social Club. I love their music!

  22. what a fun card, I used to play dominoes all the time!!!
    Now, where did I put that set?????

  23. Aloha my book you are never lacking inspiration...such a FABulous card this week...loving the envelope pocket for Cuba's card. Yes, Hemingway liked the tropical locales, Florida...Cuba...

  24. I love a game of dominoes too, used to play a lot with my family. Didn't realise till this week how popular it is in Cuba. Thanks for the journey. I'm having a great time. Caz

  25. Whew... in at the last moment!
    I'm a big Hemmingway fan!! Loved your card!

  26. I to found this to be a challenging country for inspiration. It's wierd. I have been to Hemingway's home in Key West, it's awesome. You had to cross a little cat walk just to get to his office. He didn' like to be disturbed. Really like the idea you came up with! Great job!

  27. I would like to join this Postcard Challenge...if I may? Is it OK to do it in a digital format rather than a paper collage format? I look forward to the challenge!

    1. Hi Glenys, it more than ok to join, and yes you may do your cards in digital format. I look forward to seeing them. You my start with this weeks country, or next week, or you can even go back and catch up with the previous countries if you wish, but you dont have to. I see you have a blog ready, just post your cards there and link up here. x

  28. Loving the learning as I begin this journey with the rest of you seasoned travelers. Just joined the challenge and have completed the first 3 postcards only. Need to work on the book pages...wondering if it's okay that I post the cards from the first countries as well...Where do I post? I did on the Facebook group and will on my blog...where else?

    Thanks so much for this fun challenge...

    1. Hi Abby good to have you aboard. You only really need to post on your blog and link up here each week, however if you wish you can also put them in the flickr group and on facebook, though there is no need. The facebook group is more for chat really, so feel free to join in.

      Each Friday you will see I add a mister linky to my blog post, add your name and a link to your blog in there.

  29. Hi Darcy! Very cool! The envelope is really clever. xo

  30. Okay I FINALLY got to post my postcard on my blog -Enjoy all the new clues to the storyline. Joyce

  31. My Cuba postcard is linked. :) Great idea for the book page, Darcy. I love it! :)

  32. Have made a start to the postcards... Here is my entry
    I hope you enjoy the conversations. Glenys

  33. Really really really fabby envelope Darcy. Just wickedly fabulous. Dominoes. A social institution practically! *smiles* Norma

  34. love your dominoes! this was a sad one for me but I've done it and under the wire. yay love your book pages as well. Still working on my book.

  35. Here is my entry for Wales and Cuba...the story continues!
