
Friday 2 March 2012

Postcard Challenge 2012

Week 9 Switzerland..

Wow I almost didn't get this done had a busy week and a lot of backache, not helped at all by the Zumba class I did on Tuesday and the Rammstein gig I went to on Wednesday (see previous post for photos and videos)

Thursday was my day left to make the card, only my son decided to come home so I had tidying and sorting to do...all the best laid plans huh?...

I finally got it done, and while I knew exactly what I wanted to do, it ended up being a bit rushed, so not my favourite card so far at all.

When I was a kid, about 10- 11 yrs old, I went to stay with family friends each summer. In their house they had a collection of books that I fell in love with.

The Chalet School Books, by Eleanor Brent Dyer.

I never owned any, but read the ones they had there. A few years ago I decided to start collecting the books, and boy are they hard to find. There are around 60...I have about 14.

The Chalet School books were first based in Austria, then due to the war, the school moved to Guernsey and then to England After the war the school was relocated to Switzerland, and around half the books are based there.

So this is my card.. I sketched out the front of one of the books coloured it first with promarkers, added a little gesso then went over it with prisma pencils.

I collaged my page with red and white, to represent the flag. Easy peasy, just torn bits of patterned paper.

Then attached my card using clear plastic photo corners.

Back of the card..


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  1. I'm amazed you did all this in one day! The card is so lovely! ♥

    1. One day! A whole day would have been lovely.. I wish... LOl I actually ended up with about 3 hrs, starting 10pm last night. Maybe I should start next weeks card now lol

  2. Fantastic card! You have captured a very 40/50's feel with it. Super travel book page too.

    Janet xx

  3. That's a shocker! (Storyline not card lol) Surprised you got done at all after your hectic(but enjoyable) week. Love the collaged base page :D XXX

  4. OMG - the Chalet School books. I LOVED them!! I used to scour second hand book shops looking for out of print copies. I still have all mine in the loft. They are destined for my niece when she is old enough (I doubt my son will be interested!).

    My fave one was when they escaped from the Nazis and the teacher's hair went white. Remember Joey and the triplets? Princess Elisaveta? Oh they were fab. Kaffe und kuchen!

    I'm not sure how many I've got - not that many - possibly around 15-20. My friend had some too. Her Mum had read them when she was a girl so had a few old ones.

  5. Great postcard! I have never read any of the books though!
    Great story too!

  6. Have not read any of these books but your cover has the feel of many that I did own. Super work, however rushed. Like the torn paper book page.
    Jen x

  7. How wonderful to do a book jacket for a series you are so fond of! My bookkseller and I certainly appreciate that. It is charming.

  8. This card is fab.

  9. Fab card Darcy! it has a great Swiss feel to it with the Alps in the background and the red and white.
    Bit of a dramatic turn of events in your storyline this week, lets hope all works out ok! Mx

  10. Love your card, brings back happy memories of the Chalet School books, which I loved. The torn-paper page is a great idea, too! Have a fun week, Valerie

  11. Must research the Chalet School books...haven't heard of them but they sound like something I'd STILL love to read. Love your card, your page and the whole Postcard Challenge concept!! So pleased to be part of this artists' group. Thank you Darcy!!

    Hugs...'til next week,

  12. This is terrific! I love the colors and will have to do a search to check out those books. Ha,and I LOVE Zumba! Though I've hurt my back doing it myself. Have a great weekend! :)

  13. wow what a great page and card! i love the sound of those books, i've never read them but i used to read some set in a boarding school and loved them, sadly i can't remember what they were called x

    1. Was it Mallory Towers? I know they were similiar, though I never read any of those.

  14. Beautiful card! and the page <3

  15. Great card. Sounds like interesting books.

  16. a great drawing, the books sound good, never read them..

  17. what a fun story and childhood memory!
    Just a charming and dear card!!!!

  18. Great card Darcy! Did you ever read Nancy Drew? I devoured those books when I was little.

    1. Hiya, no I never did, however I did love The Hardy Boys. I never owned any but borrowed lots from the library.

  19. Okay I stayed up late to get my blog updated and card posted -Enjoy & PLEASE leave comments- I will viewing everyone's postings on Sat.

  20. The card looks great and I LOVE the page! Brilliant! Bx

  21. hope you are not totally incapacitated form dancing and partying - the switzerland image is very good - and it's the first time I've heard about the chalet books - will ask Niall to keep his eyes open for them for you when he is out and about on his book searches....


  22. Darcy, I love your retro feel card.

  23. Love what you did with both the postcard and page this week! They look so great together!!!

  24. Great card for Switzerland, Darcy... Synelg and Terhae continue their journey on my blog!

  25. Got my Heidi done. :) Love how you make the postcard and the book page compatible, Darcy. :)

  26. Lovely postcard Darcy! The mountains in the background are especially nice. Got my postcard done and posted today!

  27. I love your PC drawing. I'm not sure whether I read these particular books, but like you when I was young all my reading books were from the library. A shock result in your story, suspense till next week. I wonder where? I'm going to have mine ready for Friday this time. Caz

  28. I think I have heard of these books, although I don't remember there being 60 of 'em! Lovely postcard, it looks just like an old book cover. It looks great on the book page. Well done for getting it done - life gets in the way sometimes, doesn't it?!

    I've managed to catch up so my post is for Cuba and Switzerland.


  29. BITE ME MR LINKY!!!! heres my card;

  30. *panting and sweating heavily* phef! Got it in before Mr.Linky went poof... *gasping for air* Thank-Goodness. ;O)
