
Friday 23 March 2012

Postcard Challenge 2012

week 12 Israel.

wow this week was hard huh?

I finally settled on a camel for my page..

For my card I looked to see what other animals were found in Israel. I discovered that in May 2008 the Hoopoe bird was chosen as the national bird. This choice was made to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the country, and was as a result of a survey of 155,000 citizens.

On the back of my card,we see Ren is still missing and charlie is following leads to find him..Is the whole organisation in peril, who is the mole selling names of agents, will Charlie find Ren in time?

HERE IS WHERE YOU LINK UP...add your name and blog link, then go visiting.


  1. Something stole my pics!!! Will link up when I re-post later :S

  2. Israel was very hard! Really could do better with some isle in the tropics but just had to work with it... :)
    You did great! I love your page, might be because my little ones are sick and I've been watching Aladdin all week... :)
    Your bird is very pretty! You did well on Israel!!! ♥

  3. Excellent choices of subject for your postcard and book, Darcy. Love the background you created for the camel on the envelope. Was very difficult this week for me. Struggled with the country probably due to all the sad news that has been on the tv.

    Janet xx

  4. Forgot to say...gorgeous page...very mysterious image, Bedouin in silhouette. "your man in Romania is waiting" is that a clue to next weeks country? :D XXX

  5. Isreal was not easy...but it turned into something that was rather 'meloncholic'..thanks for peeking at my postcard!!

  6. Love the camel and background and the bird. Sounds like we all struggled this week, a challenge it is though. Well done you.
    Jen x

  7. Love you card Darcy. Yes a hard week, please be ggentle with me mine's is a bit rough !! A xx

  8. Beautiful Darcy and great theme choice, I love your camel silhouette, fab subtle colours in both pics! Mx

  9. Great work Darcy, love the camel! Valerie

  10. Great work Darcy, love the camel! Valerie

  11. Hi Darcy,
    You were very clever with your Israel page and card. I'm not there yet. Hope it is OK that I post my links on current Mister Linky. I'm catching up.

  12. Israel was tough. Great job with the camel and the bird.

  13. Mmmmm, the camel is great! And actually, so is the bird. Very interesting looking. Good job!

  14. another briliant postcard..looking forward to seeing everyone take on this difficult country.

  15. love the silhouette of the camel and rider. beautiful bird. so hard to find a missing person. I found the Netherlands harder than this week though. finding the challenge getting tougher time wise but love all that I'm learning from everyone.

  16. I love your card and was tempted to do a camel too!!! Instead I went for more wildflowers and of course

  17. Great country. As a side note, my dad has been providing stamps, as he is a very serious stamp collector. He looks forward to this challenge each week and keeps asking for a 'challenging' country. Apparently, it's been too easy.

  18. Oooh, I love bird drawings. Love the crest of feathers on yours. Awesome work!

  19. Very dramatic card with the camel silhouette... definitely an "out of Israel" scene! The bird is beautiful...looks textural...I want to touch it!!

  20. Linked! :) Almost forgot this week. :) I went for the camel, too. Not as nice as yours though. :)

  21. Love your postcard Darcy! Your Hoopie bird is great! Love the camel silhouette too!

  22. I always think of female soldiers


    kibbutz (is that the plural of Kibbut?)


  23. Finally home and posted my postcard -Now off to view a few before I head to dinner. Best of luck everyone , this week's country was a toughie!

  24. Thanks Darcy for a challenging "challenge"! It's keeping everyone on their toes! It feels good to catch up and I'm excited to see what you post tomorrow. Ta ta.

  25. Enjoy reading about your projects, thanks for including my link

  26. I'm too late to link up via Mr Linky but here's my Israel card...
