
Friday 27 April 2012

postcard challenge

week 17.. Norway,

My cousin married a Norwegian in 1981, and moved over there. i went to visit in 1984, when I was 14. I loved the country, so very beautiful..however very expensive.

I have this book that my cousin sent,

I also found out these postcards that I bought while I was there..

I even found my travel documents and my 1year passport...can you believe that we used to be able to get 1year passports??

..and just to prove that I was a crafter...otherwise known as hoarder....even back are the leaflets,bus tickets, serviettes and menu!!!!! that I picked up and brought home with me. Even back then I was collecting crap everywhere I went..

I also used to have a 'moose crossing' road sign but I have no idea where it went I used the idea to make my page..

and here is my card.. drawn up and coloured with prismas..

and the back of my card.. Charlie is still hot on the trail, looking for numbers that will make up the combination to the briefcase that was found...but in Norway, the numbers were who? this card was waiting upon return to the uk..

who is watching, who sent the card? why don't they want the case opened? and more importantly why don't they want Ren to be found?

THIS IS WHERE YOU LINK UP... add your blog link and name and then go visiting..

Please only link up if you are taking part in the Postcard Challenge..


  1. Sorry didn't get round to many peeps last week...don't know where the days went. Am LOVIN that troll D XXX

  2. Your troll is great, love it! Have a good week, Valerie

  3. Fabulous troll! Amazing you had kept all your travel bits and pieces - and that you were able to actually find them. Super work.

    Janet xx

  4. Wonderful to have all that stuff still. The story is so interesting , super troll and page.
    Jen x

  5. Your troll is fantastic though the message on the postcard seems ominous! What's the next move... tune in next week. Ha ha!

  6. I love your Norwegian stash, especially the tickets, a gal can never have too many of those!!
    Fab troll, great colours and your envie is very cool! Mx

  7. I knew you would find it! LOVE the card & like last week if my 1st try did not turn out a Troll was surely waiting...but I got lucky and only had to do one postcard this week ... it makes me sooooo happy that it came out so well. Thanks to you and Dede for believing in my work. <3

  8. Ohw, your troll looks very good! Really don't like the message this week... And now I have to wait for an entire week to see if we find out more??? So not fair! ;)

  9. I love that little guy!!!
    Once, flowers and this time, horses!!!
    I loved this country!!! I went to Finland once and imagine it is very similar !

  10. Aaaarrrggghhh, trolls are so scary!!! Even more so when they're smiling!!!
    Please tuck him away quickly in your fab envelope (love the sign!).

    Have a great weekend!


  11. a great troll,I always keep things,like tickets wonder I have got so much junk in my

  12. WOW! Your troll is great! My parents used to read me Norwegian fairy tales about trolls. They were actually kind of scary now that I think about it. :)

  13. Love the troll. Don't love the message that Charlie is being watched. Curious as to how he gets the briefcase open.

  14. Card is great, what is special about the contents of the briefcase.

  15. Someone was inspired this week :)

  16. Super cute Darcy! Love your troll. You know we don't have to call it saving "crap" anymore, instead we call it saving "ephemera". It just sounds so much better that way. Luckily I am the child of two parents who like to save "ephemera" as well, so we have lots of goodness piled up all over the place. :)

    1. Lol i am so used to my other half calling it all crap.. I love the word ephemera, in fact so much so that I have it tattooed on the back of my neck..

    2. That's awesome. My husband and kids are trained now to bring me ephemera when they go somewhere, whether it's the movies, concert, a trip, whatever. They have seen what I do with it and secretly I think they think it's cool.

  17. Darcy I love the Moose crossing page and the Troll is so precious. Blog is updated so everyone go take a look- I'll visiting everyones now since I 've posted .

  18. Loving the troll - what a cutie :) Still catching up but enjoying the journey :)

  19. I'm going to proper catch up this weekend, (really), and post your giraffe, I remember I used to buy a cheap 3 month temporary passport (for europe) from the post office when I was in my teens...

    the troll is, indeed, awesome...

