
Friday 18 May 2012

postcard challenge

wk 20 West Africa.

With so many countries in W.Africa there was a lot to choose from, but my deciding factor was that I had postage stamps from Togo and I looked at those two.

I quickly decided on what I wanted to do, but could not find an image to draw, and as I ran out of time I decided to cheat...and just print my card this week.

I just love those fetish dolls. I found out about the origins of voodoo while researching...

This is a fascinating article about the real origins of voodoo.

click here

I painted the page with the flag colours..

and the back of the card..

HERE IS WHERE YOU LINK UP.. add your name and blog link and then go visiting.

Please only link up if you are taking part in the postcard challenge.

Don't forget you can still vote in the end of month competition..

VOTE here..


  1. Don't think I'm getting mine done this week...bloody kids :(, but i will work it into my story for next week :D XXX

  2. What about visiting Brighton or blackpool or Berlin next week.....Valerie

  3. I HOPE that printing out your card isn't cheating. I work with many images that I combine, cut out, blend, etc. and it takes me a long time (hours) to do. I do it this way because I can't draw... I'm assuming that digital entries are okay since no one said it wasn't. Right?

    I enjoyed your card this week Darcy... interesting voodoo history lesson as well.


  4. Lol Abby, yes of course digital is fine. More than fine, yours are always wonderful. This was a cheat for 'me' as I didn't put any effort into it. I have no idea about digital layers and alterations, it is all beyond me. So this was a straight print out. I spent way too long reading about the dolls and didnt have time to draw them.

  5. I think we all have or may end up using the same cheat (I know I have already) and it's all good Dear Darcy...


  6. Fascinating dolls and as I am still visiting in Canada my card is digital again this week. Will need to have a session making my book when I get back and visiting all your blogs.
    Jen x

  7. I think it's a great image and the voodoo background is interesting. I think as long as we all keep playing - that's the important part.

  8. Really interesting image this week and a great complimentary page. I also used the flag colours for inspiration, I like the combination a lot.

    BTW can you please remove link 8! I got distracted for a minute and I've no idea what I did (no link)!! number 9 is ok! Thanks!

  9. You do have lots of things going on. some super work..x

  10. Sometimes we need an easy week! Great images.

    Janet xx

  11. Aaarrggghh, scary voodoo dolls!! Great (scary) image for this week's country and it'll look great on the flag envelope page.

    Have a great week!


  12. Great voodoo card, just send it my way. Cheers

  13. Cheat of no cheat this is about what you make it. I still have not made a digital card yet that was my intention from the beginning -- digital collage. I am thoroughly enjoying stretching myself with drawing and painting. I am learning much which is for me the point. I love looking at everyones work and all the variety.

    Thanks for the challenge this week Darcy.

  14. The photo looks great! I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a postcard this week. :)

  15. Sorry for being a little slow on uploading my weekly challenge- spent all of Sat. shopping-Only to come home to a hot house - so needed to get AC working.
    Now I'm off to see what everyone did this week. BYW Darcy hope you are feeling better!

  16. Darcy your faces are incredible!

  17. Oh dreads, I still fun behind but still have fun and love everyone's cards.

  18. Gosh, you learn something new everyday. I had no idea about the whole voodoo thing. I always believed what I saw in the movies. By the way Darcy, your faces project is pretty amazing. I'm just in awe that you can draw an entire face every day and then to have them all be so different. Pretty cool!
