
Sunday 17 June 2012

Life Book

Today I dipped into the Life Book lessons, I am so far behind. But it's good to know there is no pressure and I can do a lesson whenever I feel like it or have time.

The 10month circle journal that I have been in, is coming to an end, but we had an almighty scare when 2 of the journals went missing in the post. Thankfully after 3 weeks they turned up, but not before some of us had started remaking the pages that we had done in those books.

In one of them I had made a Butterfly..see this post.. so I set about redoing the butterfly...but then the journals turned up safe and I had no need to finish it....and it was put aside..

Today I watched one of the Life Book lessons and saw that it involved making a pretty background with a butterfly in the middle...aha! I knew I now had a use for the butterfly that I had started..

So I firstly masked off the centre of my page, and sprayed it with Dylusions ink..

I then chose this stencil..(its against coloured card so you can see it)

I pushed wall filler through it all around the edge of my page. Once dry I used a brayer to roll gesso over the raised bits just to whiten them as the wall filler dries a kind of creamy colour.

The wall filler does not harm the stencil in any way, I ran it under the warm tap straight away, squirting on a bit of washing up liquid and it came up good as new. In fact the photo above was taken after I used and cleaned it. I have used this wall filler and stencil method countless times, and the stencil always cleans up just fine.

Next I used small stamp pads to add colour to the raised ares, and I coloured the centre with neocolor crayons..

I then used Derwent Inktense to outline the centre box and added text with a background stamp..

Finally I added some small flowers and gems..

Then I worked on the make it I took a sheet of card, folded it in half and drew the butterfly on one half..

once cut out I sprayed it with Dylusions ink..

then added more colour with Inktense pencils and a black pen and a white gelly roll pen..

I sprayed it with varnish to seal the water soluble elements, then added a couple coats matte medium on each side to make it a little sturdier..

Finally I glued just the body part down onto the page.. and added the hearts on the body..

As you can see the wings do lie flat, but they are free to move also..

side view..


  1. Love that your butterfly is 3D and your whole piece is so tactile!! Well done, Darcy!!


  2. Hello:)
    I just stumbled to your blog and find it very intresting. Especially those postcard challenges. I'm actually planning an artshow with a friend of mine for the summer 2013. We decided to make all painting postcard size and maybe even write and send them (perhaps to each others) and then taking them to the artshow. I would be curious to attend your challenge. Do people always have to send the postcards forward? Take care

    1. Hi Niina, I do the postcard challenge :D We don't actually post them to anyone, we are writing stories where the Characters communicate via postcard. If you scroll down a couple of posts there is a linky where you can see peoples blog posts for the challenge :D

  3. Just beautiful. I have done cutouts with snowflakes and other shapes, but not butterfiles. I will definitely have to try this. TFS. Great Job.

  4. See, you wanted inspiration and it was there all the time waiting for you to be ready :D I love the pieces you do with stencils and paste :D XXX

  5. WOW this is stunning. Thanks for the tutorial as well it's great when I'm able to see how the finished project was arrived at - gives me a chance to "have a go" as well

  6. Love this Darcy -turned all well- Glad to hear the missing journals showed up...

  7. What an awesome Butterfly Darcy!

  8. oh this buterfly is so cute :)
