
Tuesday 10 July 2012

Weekend Away..

So the 10 month circle journal came to an end, and instead of posting the books back to their owners we decided to meet up.

We all headed for Harrogate, and exchanged our books. here is me getting my book back..

photo courtesy of Leanne..

All the books are complete except for a single page in the back, I intend to put a photo of us all on there. When the whole thing is done i shall make a flip thru video and show you.

We had a wonderful meal out on the Saturday night, and then a pj party in one of the rooms. Much wine and cake was consumed. I shall refrain from showing you the pj photos lol

On Sunday morning we had breakfast and then walked along to Art from the Heart where we spent the day doing a workshop with the fabby Dyan.

We made these huuuuge canvasses, I really want to add a quote to mine, so when that is done I will show you.

Here is me and the gorgeous Dyan, could be sisters...

photo by Jackie

we had a fabulous day, and got very messy..mine are the smurf hands on the left..

Here we are all together after the class..

Lynn brought moustache cookies...

photo by Jackie

this is Marie, she was my roomy for the weekend, and it was a pleasure to share with her.

As gifts for the girls I made them all a bag, here they are showing them off..

I will make a post soon just about the bags, and also one about the page I made for Jayne.

Here is how my canvas looked by the end of the class, I have since added a little more blue ink and I am currently searching for an appropriate quote to go on it.

photo by Jackie

and here is everybody with our canvasses just before saying goodbye..

Fabulous weekend...


  1. What a fantastic time, and lovely to see all the pics! Really chuffed for you. xxx

  2. It was a fab weekend indeed Roomie! x

  3. I miss u all already!! It was brilliant. x

  4. looks like great fun! cant wait to see that finished journal!

  5. Looks like an amazing weekend, so glad you enjoyed it :D XXX

  6. I am still recovering from you all !! he he xx

  7. Art as an excuse to get social, sweeeeet. It looks like everyone had a blast.

  8. Looks like a fantastic weekend with lots of art and friend and food ,,,the perfect weekend :0)
