
Friday 30 August 2013

ARC August

Welcome to the Auguest meeting of ARC, the Artful Readers Club, where we read and review and get messy with our art.

This month I started reading one of the books on my original list, but totally ran out of time. It's by a great author and I want to read it properly and do it justice, so I put it aside and read a super short book for this review.

This book belonged to my son, I have no idea if he ever read it. According to the printing date inside the book, 1998, so it's been in our bookcase for aaages.

River Boy by Tim Bowler.

hmm well, this was definitely a quick read, it took just 2 days. It is an easy read, but, well it just never really gets going. there are hints of mystery about this book, and that element could have been really explored. But it just wasn't. Maybe I was expecting way too much from this book, after all it is a kids/teen book. I think my son read it when he was about 12.
 I must remember to ask him if he can remember what he thought of it. The story, such that it is, is very gentle, and flows along ok, but is never gripping. The way it is written is very 'flowery' I think that is the best word I can use. By that I mean the author seems to have written this with a thesaurus next to him, using every desriciptive word possible, just cramming them in. I am pretty sure this book could have been half the size and you still would have had the full story just without all the over the top descriptions.
It wasn't a bad book, but not sure I would recommend it to anyone.

My artwork.

I started with Adirondack sprays in Sunset orange and Wild plum, I sprayed them through a circular piece of plastic canvas.

Then I knocked the colours back using a brayer and some PaperArtsy Snowflake Freso paint.

Next I created a border using the leaf stamps from PaperArtsy HP1104 and HP1105 I sprayed some Adirondack Lettuce and Meadow into the leaves.

I added some PaperArtsy HeyPesto Fresco paint to the leaves too., and filled in the spaces with Inky Pool.

Next I used  some Grunge paste through a Crafters workshop stencil, TCW309S I added the paste leaves over the top of the stamped leaves, and once the paste was dry I painted them with several coats of Fresco paint. 

I added about 6-7 colours to the grunge paste leaves..

Each time I changed colour I dabbed it on in a different place on the leaves, making them multicoloured and multi layered.  

Then i took a piece of sandpaper and sanded back the grunge paste leaves. This removes only the highest parts, and reveals different colours on each leaf. 

At this point I was really happy, just love this as a background. I intended it to look like it was framing the view beyond. 

I then wanted to add the river,waterfall and boy from the book. I started with some light grey Fresco paint, and loosely painted in the rocks, before adding 2-3 darker shades. 

Then I added the water, starting with blue, then lighter blue, then light grey, then white. I also added a small silhoutte of the boy, sitting on a rock. 

Here is the whole page at this point..

All I needed was a title, i painted a piece of card with Honeydew Fresco paint, and once dry I popped it through the printer. 

I then cut it out, added some French Roast to the edges and glued it to the page.  i am so pleased with this page. Considering the book was a little boring...

Here is where you link up if you are playing along with ARC..


  1. Great journal page, Darcy! Love the waterfall effect.

  2. For being such a boring book, you put a LOT into the art. I can't believe how many layers you created. This artwork is over the top, and far better than you describe the book as being.

  3. Wow! That is a beautiful art piece.

  4. I bet this took as long to do as the book took to read! A beautiful page!

  5. I think your author and mine should spend some time together, as I had the opposite problem with my book lol. Stunning page Darcy :D XXX

  6. Love those leaves! Beautiful page - shame about the book!

    Janet xx

  7. Stunning pages, lovely treatment of the GP leaves gives a 3D look and fab sentiment.
    Shame you didn't really enjoy your read :-)

  8. You have a beautiful 3D effect in your artwork - the perspective is great. It really looks as though I'm peering through the leaves at the scene beyond, the rushing waterfall and the pool with the boy sitting quietly. I find it so difficult to be inspired with artwork when I've not liked the book (as happened again this month!), but you have pulled it off so well - plus all the textures too!

  9. Your artwork is fab (BTW loved your PaperArtsy posts this week too). I think as adults, we often look at books in a different way to children. I read The Graveyard Book at the same time as my son and we both got different things from it. A xx

  10. I simply love your much depth and texture....stunning!
    I agree with Alison that as adults we read books differently to children.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. yes...I can leave comments again...sigh of relief!

  11. Wowzers ... What a brilliant page, no wonder you are pleased with it! Love how you transform plain pieces of paper into something magical!

  12. I'd read the book just because the art is so wonderful. It must have done something to your psyche to inspire a page like THAT!!! Gorgeous!!

  13. oops - I posted my review first thing this morning, then forgot to do the Mr Linky.....I've done it now. Love love love your artwork this month (and every month!) - there is so much depth in the picture, it feels real. I fancy a swim under that gorgeous waterfall :)

  14. Fabulous piece of artwork, such a lot of texture. Brill waterfall.
    Jen x

  15. Really lovely. I want to run my hand over the leaf border - love it.

  16. This is such a beautiful spread. I love the way you have done the leaves with various colours and layers and the effect of peering through them. I am surprised that the book was as recent as 1996 because I would have thought flowery language would be out of fashion these days. It is such a shame when 'purple passages' take over and the narrative cannot shine through! Love your AJ interpretation, though. Julie Ann x

  17. Sorry your book was boring but your page is beautiful x

  18. I love your art for this one, I also love the way you show the process, I posted the wrong link originally (no 6) I've readded the right one x

  19. This shows you can get inspired by anything...even something boring! This is amazing! Should have been on canvas!

  20. Wow, that is a fabulous page. The leaves are amazing. I am glad it is not too late in the year to join your book club. I think it is a fantastic idea.
