
Wednesday 15 January 2014

Weekly Face on Weds

An actual real face this week. 

Initial sketch

changes made and shading started..

more changes and final shading

This took about an hour or so, there are a few things I would change, the mouth isn't right at all, but it was good practice. 

Darcy x


  1. OMGAunt Darcythe lady's face is amazing, lovely smile & eyes and this only took an hour!!!

    I am sure she will be very pleased with the result. Still can't get
    over it only took you an hour, you are so talented, glad you
    share your talent with us:-) xxx

  2. Fantastic sketch Darcy I like the way the eyes really smile as well as the mouth. You shading has really brought the picture to life xx

  3. I just love this, Darcy. You have such incredible talent and I'm hugely flattered. Great job!

  4. Good to see the stages and I love the way that the eyes suddenly light up and bring the character to life. Windows to the soul and all that. X

  5. What a stunning portrait and it is so good of you to show it to us in the 'raw' and then the final stage. It take so much patience I am sure. Somehow you have managed to bring the face to life. It's not flat like often drawings are - but one is really drawn in to the essence of the person's personality
