
Tuesday 18 February 2014

Sunset Tree..

I wanted to create a tag with my new tree stamp, but was looking for a way to add a little dimension to the whole thing. Instead of using regular manilla tags I decided to use the Greyboard tags . I used 2 of them.  Although this grey board is substantial it is not impossible to cut with scissors, and I had no problem trimming one of my tags into a large heart shape. 

This is how I decorated them. I started with the rectangle tag. I coated it with Green Olives and Old gold, just randomly painted on. Once dry I added a layer of crackle glaze.... and then topped that with a layer of Sage.  Just before the Sage dried I very carefully rubbed a little of it away to make it distressed. 

As for the heart. I started with a coat of Nougat and Zesty Zing.  I knew I wanted to colour the heart with translucent colours, so the nougat and zesty zing is to give a warm light behind to the background. 

Next I used both sets of leaves from EDY05 and EDY06

I lightly drew around the heart shape with a pencil, then I stamped the leaves all around the edge. 

I then used Hey Pesto to fill in just half of each leaf. 

Now to colour the heart. I started by adding Tango to most of the heart, except the very centre. then I blended Autumn Fire more towards the edges, and finally some Blood Orange to the edges. I used a sponge to make sure there were no harsh lines between the colour changes. 

I stamped the tree from EDY06 using Black Archival  and filled in the trunk using Little Black Dress. I then stamped the tiny butterfly/flower heads from EDY07.  onto tissue paper. I filled them in with black and cut them out. I used matte glaze to attached them to the heart tag around the tree. 

To make the heart even more of a focal point I decided to use clear UTEE on it. 

After 3 layers it was nice and shiny. I added a little Treasure gold around the edge of both the background tag and the heart tag. 

then I used heavy gel to attach the heart to the background. 

At the Stamperama show in Stevenage I recreated this tag, but instead of using UTEE I coated the tag with 3-4 coats of Gloss glaze.  You can see how it still achieved a lovely shine.. 

Here are the 2 tags to compare. The UTEE tag, on the left, is much more glossy, however the UTEE has clouded the Frescos slightly. On the right, the gloss glaze, the shine is more subtle, but the colours have remained much more vivid. It is interesting to see the differences, 

Why don't you have a go at layering up 2 tags, doesn't have to be a heart, you can use any shape. 

Darcy x

My stamps are also available from 


  1. I did see this at Stevenage but not the process you went through.. Haven't tried cutting the grey board tags, not sure my wrists are up to it... but I'll see!! Oh, it looks fab, by the way, but that goes without saying.

  2. This is so pretty. This week Arte Dar has a challenge that calls for a tree. This would make a wonderful entry. I love it and all the other work (fun) you show us.

  3. Fab the tags and tutorial. Great ideas and I like that you tried various technique. It is interesting. xx

  4. Love it all but really like the bit where you have crackled and printed the leaves. Looks like really interesting bark. Interesting to compare the two.

  5. I love the leaves on the background an the colours it's so rich x

  6. These are sooo pretty but my fave has to be the one done with gloss glaze because the colours are vivid like say which makes it more eye catching, I also like the background on that one too :)
    hugs and xxx

  7. beautiful techniques Darcy! love the final look of the tag too!

  8. This is gorgeous, Darcy, I love the colours and the glossyness,

    Lucy x

  9. Stunning colours and trees, makes me think of Autumn in New England :-) xxx

    Not sure i could cut out the heart shape from greyboard but
    could try layering up a few pieces of cereal box & see if that works...

  10. Your stamps are so versatile and you showcase them to beautifully - I bet you even saved the 'waste' from the heart tag to be used in another project.

  11. Glorious glossy heart - I love that tree!!
    Alison xx

  12. Stop it!!! I can't buy them all at once...and I wanted the tree set too!!!! :D XXX

  13. Gorgeous but then I loved this when you first showed it. Are you sure it doesn't need a home?? I like the gloss glaze and the more intense colours. It's such a contrast with the black stamping. Such gorgeous backgrounds you created. It seemed a pity to cover them up.

  14. Beautiful! Love your new stamps!!

  15. I remember you talking about this at Stevenage, I loved it. Can't decide which of the two hearts I like best, they're both gorgeous.

  16. Gorgeous!!! Love the background, & the eyeball tree looks fab! ;o) xxx
