
Saturday 1 March 2014

DLP Catchup

Here is my catchup post for weeks 5,6 and 7. 

First up, week 5. Add a doodled border. 
Not much to say about this one, I didn't take step by step photos. Basically I wanted a light page, but with interest behind, so I randomly added paint and stencilling and then covered most of that with white paint. I added my doodles using a sharpie pen

Next is week 6, for this week we had to look on pinterest and be inspired by something. I saw this painting, and followed it to find out who the artist was. The artist is Stanislav Sidorov , visit his site here... His series of 'Umberella' painting caught my eye. See them here... 

I had no intention of trying to copy one of his painting, I merely wished to capture the feeling of the movement in the rain and the drippy, merging colours. 

I began by adding strips of patterned paper, this was never meant to show at the end, I just needed a starting point. 

Next I tore up some used/dried baby wipes, and glued those in. 

I now had texture, I needed more movement and colour. So I added lots of drips of acrylic ink. 

as I heated the page to dry it, some of the ink bubbled..LOVE THIS...

It was feeling good, but it needed a shot of 'light' so I stencilled in white, using an Andy Skinner stencil

I outlined each number in black, and then added some dots, first in pale blue then when that dried I added white dots on top. 

I really like this, it doesn't really look much of a finished page. I did think at one point it needed a title or a quote, then I decided I liked it as it is. 

Now for week 7, for that week we had to use a repeating pattern. i did this page while I was away for the weekend, so the photos aren't great as the lighting in the room was a little dim. 

I started by gluing book pages and patterned paper to the page, I then used neocolours mixed with gesso to fill in the gaps. 

I added black stencilling through a Ranger alpha stencil. Then I draped some string over the page and held that in place with strips of washi tape. 

Next I used a bottle cap to make black circles, and a smaller cap to make white ones. 

I chose a small tag as my repeating shape. I coloured each one with neocolours and gesso, and added a little stencilling to each one. I edged each tag, mounted them onto graph paper and stuck into the journal. 

I had some wordfetti already cut out, and chose this quote. I glued one or two words to each tag and doodled around the words and the tags. 

I am still 3 pages behind *rollseyes* I do have excellent intentions of keeping up, life just gets in the way . I hope you are all having fun in your journals. 

Darcy x


  1. Wow, some great pages here in your DLP... love the quote in the last one!

  2. Fabulous pages Darcy, love the layers & textures. I am having fun with my DLP but need to concentrate my efforts to keep up to date. Can't find time for all the challenges i would love to enter so can understand how life gets in the way.

    Love your doodled borders by the way:-) xxx

  3. Great pages, love the "drippy" one. I have only done the first two weeks so am even further behind :)

  4. Really inspirational Darcy. I love you take something and completely own it. I really love the quote in the last one it's fab x

  5. Wow these are amazing and very inspirational too!!
    hugs and xxx

  6. Brilliant pages Darcy...that's such a funny quote! xxx

  7. Find it fascinating to follow your creative processes. Love the bubbly paint. Inspiring as usual and unique stuff! X

  8. The bubbling ink looks amazing, and I love those tags layered in to the final page... fabulous creative inspiration, as always!
    Alison xx

  9. Fantastic pages Darcy, the second one looks amazing.

  10. I am weeks and weeks behind, but don't care. Still having fun and being inspired by people such as yourself coming up with some great pages.
    Love the texture you created for the Pinterest inspired one!
    C xxx
