
Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Quick Journal Page

Usually I make double spreads in journal, but as this is quite a large journal, I decided to do a one page spread for a change. 

When I opened my journal I found this page, I had totally forgotton that I had used this page to use up some excess paint that was on a stencil. This is an ideal way to make sure you don't waste paint.  Should you wish to recreate this base layer it was Nougat paint  and Crafter's Workshop stencil TCW371S, mini Echoes. 

I spritzed the page with water then I painted on some South Pacific, I immediately wipes it back off with a baby wipe. I then stamped clocks from clocks 3 and clocks 6 I loved this stage, though I knew almost all of it would get covered up. But, for me, I love the different layers, and I am never sad when one gets covered. 

Next I scraped on some Grunge Paste, then I carved into it with a pokey tool. I also stamped into it with the cog stamps from EDY02...totally LOVE my cog background stamp.

Once the paste was dry, I painted it with Chartreuse, Seaweed and Chutney. I do believe Chartreuse is my new favourite colour. 

The next stage was to add some Treasure Gold, look how they blend so beautifully. Once buffed up they shine like precious metal and they really show off the stamping. 

I wanted the carving to stand out a little more, so I went over the lines with a black pen. 

I knew I wanted to use my steampunk flamingo from EDY05..

However, he is so detailed and I really wanted a quick I didn't want to spnd ages colouring him in. I took a piece of book text, and sprayed it with Adirondack Colour Wash Spray in Cranberry. i then stamped the flamingo over the spray. To tie this into the page I then dripped some of the ink down from the top of the page. 

He kind of looked lost and needed something to anchor him to the page, so I stamped the hand from MN31, this was stamped onto more book test that I had wiped with Chartreuse. I glued it in place so that it looks like the hand is drawing the flamingo. I then used a silver gel pen to add some details to the flamingo. 

Next I needed a border. I tore some more book text and glued that around the page. over than I dabbed on some more grunge paste that had been mixed with Chutney and Little black Dress. 

Once dry, I added Royal Amethyst Treasure gold, and also Sapphire. I buffed those then lightly added some White Fire. I also added the title, using mini alpha stamps. 

I just love Treasure gold..

Here it is finished, so hard to get a good clear photo because of the shine from the Treasure gold. it is very, very luxurious feeling in real life, and really does look like its on a sheet of metal. 

hope you like it. Darcy x


  1. Just left a comment and it seems to have disappeared! :-(

  2. Trying again!

    WOW Darcy beautiful page! Love how the floating pen is drawing the fabulous Steampunk Flamingo, gorgeous texture and fabulous colours. Stunning TG panel and frame, lurve your journal page very much:-) xxx

  3. Great page Darcy love the metallic look x

  4. Oh, how I love this page! I know someone else said this, but the hand drawing the flamingo is inspired! I do admire how brave you are with your layers. I need to learn from your fearlessness! Julie Ann x

  5. Brilliant layering. I love the inky drips, and well really the whole thing.♥

  6. Love the texture and the treasured gold. I've never heard of that product!

  7. Thanks for this new AJ page Darcy, that's great and I just love it!!! Totally LOVE also your new stamps, I've started a bit to play with, you will see later I hope... :) Hugs, Coco xx

  8. Wow, fantastic page Darcy, love the metally goodness & the disembodied hand.

  9. This is gorgeous. Love the metal effect and the silver on the flamingo.
