
Saturday 29 November 2014

Advent Boxes

A few years ago I made an Advent box for my son, and a couple for other people.. See a couple of the old ones HERE .. 

The full instructions for them are HERE... they are so easy though so you really don't need detailed instructions. 

This year  have made 3 more.. 

Each Box requires 24 matchboxes. As I was making 3 I had to buy 72 boxes ( this gave me a bag of 2880 matches) Luckily they were half price, so still way,way cheaper than buying empty craft boxes. 

The boxes are stacked like this for each Advent. 

The boxes are glued together, and strengthened with a base and top piece. 

Then you can start to decorate.. 

The drawers are decorated too, with numbers on the front edge.. 

and patterned paper on the insides..

Here are my finished cubes.. This silver and blue one for my Mum. 

This pink one for one of my nieces. 

This one for my stepdad.. 

and of course they are all filled with chocolates.. 

I hope you all have your advent calendars ready... 

Darcy x


  1. they are so pretty! not got one (again) this year, maybe I'll remember to make one early next.... and no, I won't start now, lol, that would be way too organised!

    1. Helen i make them for everyone in the family except me... Not had one for me since i was a kid.

  2. These are fabulous Darcy! I love the pink one especially, makes me think of my granddaughter! Chrisx

  3. Gorgeous Darcy, the epitome of a kind and thoughtful present. My fave is the blue one for your Mum:-) xxx

  4. Nope, haven't got an advent calendar but these are fab. Wonder where I can get me some matchboxes. I assume these are like the medium size match boxes, not the small ones. Wouldn't get much chocolate in the small ones LOL. TFS. Hugz

  5. What an amazingly thoughtful pressie times three. No wonder you don't make cards. They are a joy. Lucky family! Xx

  6. Wowzer - talk about a labour of love! These are fabulous... need to get me some matches (and boxes).
    Alison xx

  7. Just beautiful, I especially love the blue set x

  8. Gorgeous Darcy! That's reminded me I need to buy the chocolates for ours! Sue C x

  9. Wow, another amazing project by our uber talented Darcy!!!! :D Really a great job and project, I'm in awe. xx
