
Sunday 7 December 2014

New challenge 2015 { Calendar challenge}

Morning everyone, just popping in to let you know I am hosting a new monthly challenge for 2015. It has been a couple of years since I last hosted a challenge, so it's about time I got one started. 

This will involve a calendar..Intrigued? you want to play?

The Project: To decorate/alter a page per month in a calendar

You need: A cheap calendar

The rules: only 4

The Calendar:

I bought this cheap one. You can buy any size, any style, and type of pictures. This is your calendar, pick one that you like. 

These are the pictures in my calendar, again,... pick one that you like. There is a very good reason for this, which you will see in the rules. 

Here is the date/planner part of mine. I intend to decorate this too.. but you don't have to, that it entirely optional. 

The rules. 

1. Each month, decorate the picture page of one month. You can also decorate the date/planner bit too if you want to, but you don't have to. You can decorate in any way that you want:
or whatever...

You get the idea, anything goes... however... you must incorporate some part of the original picture... see now why you need to pick one that you like. You can paint,collage,stencil or whatever all over the page, but some original part must remain on show, and be part of your new design. 

2. Each month there will be a technique to incorporate, interpret it any way that you want, with any brand or style. But it must appear somewhere on the page

3. Each month there will be a theme or item of ephemera to include. 

4. Each month I will blog my finished page along with a linky, you blog your calendar on your blog and add your name to the linky in my post. 

That's it!

Here are a couple of sneaky peek previews of what I have done with my page. 

On January 1st I will blog my calendar page, and photos of how I decorated it. There will be a linky at the bottom for you to join in. You can link up straight away on the 1st, or take your time, the link will remain open all month. It will close on Feb 1st, when a new link for Feb will go live. (Sorry no prizes, this is just for fun) If you are unsure how this all works then wait till you see mine on the 1st and then join in. 

So you need to know the technique and theme/addition for January.. 

1.. Keep a part of the original picture and incorporate that into your design
2, Technique - Crackling, any brand of crackle glaze, or the pva crackle method.... or any other way you can think of to add crackling. 
3. Add some book text 
4. Blog your calendar page and link up from Jan 1st 2015

So who will join me? Hope to see some fantastic calendar pages from you all next year. 

Darcy x


  1. This sounds a great idea, love the added themes/additions x

  2. Love this idea Darcy I'll be playing x

  3. WOO HOO!! I already have mine lol :D XXX

  4. um maybe LOL I'll give it a go, now need to add calendar to my "list"


    ps I LOVE your calendar (can I have it) lol

    more xo xo

  5. Thank you for this, Darcy! I love the idea! I'm really looking forward to joining in. It's right up my street! xxx

  6. Great idea must go and get a calander

  7. Fab idea Darcy, will have to get myself a calendar......but it'll have to one I like but not too much I guess :-)

  8. Damn. I was just at a cheap calendar store on Saturday!

  9. This is a really great idea. Since I haven't found a new calendar that I really like a lot, altering one that I kind of like is brilliant.

  10. Sounds fun...a pretty awsome way to document 2015!

  11. Fab idea Darcy ! I will go in seach of a calendar that I only half like :-) Sue C x

  12. That sounds fun and really good!!! Thank you Darcy, I will try to join in! Hugs, Coco xx

  13. I like this idea A LOT Darcy! I've already bought my cheapo 2015 calendar, so I shall try to join in.

  14. Perfect! My dad just gave me a calendar that I didn't really want because I make my own with the photos I've taken. But he was happy to be able to give it to me... and he likes my creative stuff... so this will be great.

  15. Just got my GREAT IMPRESSIONISTS calendar...12x12...ready to go!!
    Happy Holidays to all.

  16. Wow can't wait to play. Sent my daughter out to grab one but she got a page per week lol. So I shall have to wait until Monday to nip out again. At least I have a fab weekly view now for art challenges lol. Happy Creating :-) Kezzy xxx

  17. I love this idea!
    I will have to go and buy a calendar as the one I already have is not one that I would choose to alter.
