
Thursday 9 April 2015

Glycerin Rescue

Hi everyone. Today I wanted to share how I rescued my Versamark clear ink pad. I am sure it can't be just me that ends up with a really grubby,dirty ink least I hope not lol

So I carefully pulled the foam away from the plastic case, and then washed the foam out in warm soapy water. It did clean up pretty well, but was still grubby and stained. 

So I turned it over, and used superglue to glue it back into the case. I then added some glycerin to reink it. I rubbed this in with a finger till it sank into the foam and then I added a bit more. You need something gummy/sticky that won't go solid like glue, glycerin seems to work great. 

I used this glycerin, bought from Boots pharmacy. 

You can also find smaller bottles in the baking department of supermarkets. 

and yes it does work just fine, it is nice and sticky and the embossing powder sticks to it perfectly. This image was done with WOW embossing powder. 

So now I have a lovely clean and freshly inked clear pad and I can get back to embossing. Definitely not my original idea, but I saw it mentioned so many times online I had to try it. 

Why don't you give this DIY reinker a try.. 

Darcy x


  1. good to know it works, Darcy.

  2. What a great tip.....and're not the only one. Mine looks like that too!

  3. Fantastic tip...I have a bottle of that already!! :D XXX

  4. I have been using the glycerine for years Darcy as at one stage I was doing an enormous amount of embossing and the reinkers for the amount in them were overpriced. Every now and then I do add a reink to the pad and away it goes again.
    I don't know a way to keep it clean though. :) Filthy embossing is usually what it starts off as!

  5. Wow! I'm going to try this too. Thanks Darcy for passing on the tip. Lx

  6. Saw this tip on both Pinterest and on The Frigal Crafters Blog, Lindsay did a glycerine special a while back it was so enlightening finding so many uses for glycerine. I use that Boots brand too it is the cheapest i know off.

    Great tip Darcy, glad you have a good renewed ink pad, works beautifully:-) xxx

  7. Great tip, Darcy, such a money saver!

    Lucy x

  8. That is a great idea Darcy, thanks.

  9. So very clever! My versamark pad is looking pretty shabby. Thx!!
