
Monday 13 April 2015

Pink and Flowery

.. is so not me!

hi everyone, today is my Mum's birthday. I can't get to see her as I am still down in London, travelling home today. So I wanted to make her a really pretty card. I am not a girlie girl... you may have noticed lol and I don't do pink, or flowery... but this just kind of grew and grew and before I knew it, it was covered in gorgeous Jofy flowers. 

I started by painting card  with Buff, Banana, Bougainvillea, Caribbean Sea and Guacamole. once dry I stamped the flowers, leaves, stars and hearts from Jofy 22. 

These were all cut out. 

I then took some linen card and folded it in half (this is a big card)I traced around some of the flowers and cut them out. 

Now to fill in the rest of the card with the painted flowers. 

Add a little doodling...

Using the tag stamp from the same set i made this little tag then added the sentiment from Jofy 14

Because I had cut holes in the front of the card, you can of course see through to the inside.. Now I don't usually add insert papers in my cards, but this card needed it. 

I took some regular printer paper and my brayer, then added Bougainvillea, Dolly Mix and Buff. I dried it and then added paint to the other side too. 

I folded it in half, trimmed off a little, then stuck it inside the card with double sided tape. It looked a little boring inside, so I added leftover flowers and some random lines in Bougainvillea using an old credit card. 

I think this just finished it off, ready for the message to be written. 

Finally I added liquid pearls to the flower centres. 

Here is the card finished with the painted insert paper showing through the cutouts on the front. 

This uses my 2 least liked colours, pink and *shudder* yellow...( I really dislike yellow) but somehow it all works and while it 'isn't me' ..I do actually like it. Hope my Mum likes it too. 

Darcy x


  1. Very pretty and the colours work great! I am not a yello person but seem to be using the colour more and more! Hope your Mum has a great bday

  2. I think it looks great, and your use of the flowers and the cut out flowers is just gorgeous. Hope your Mum has a great birthday!!

  3. Beautiful card Darcy, hope your Mum has a fab day:-) xxx

  4. Great card Darcy very spring like. Hope your Mum has a lovely birthday xx

  5. Sure she'll love it, really pretty peeking through to the insert. Know what you mean about most pink and all yellow but they certainly work here x

  6. now that's simply beautiful :D XXX

  7. Happy birthday Darcy's mum xxx

  8. Awesome card, it will be treasured :)

  9. Gorgeous card! I'm sure your mum loved it.

  10. This is lovely, the cut out flowers are fab. x

  11. Brilliant card! Thanks for sharing!

  12. It all works very well!!! Brilliant and very creative card as usual Darcy, love the way you have played with the flowers, it's great! :) TFS. Coco x
