
Tuesday 9 June 2015

Doncaster Dome

hi everyone.. sorry it's been a while since I blogged properly but a summer cold has had me in its grip and it has been grim... way too many tissues used. I am definitely on the mend now though. 

Sunday  was the Stamp Magic show at Doncaster, by Wednesday I was worrying that I wouldn't make it.. however by Saturday most of the symptoms had gone, just leaving me with a cough... any wildlife films requiring a sealion stunt double and I am your woman, I have the bark down good. 

So I was very relieved to be able to go over to the show for a few hours. I arrived about 9.20am, just in time to set my samples out, get my apron on and get started. 

This was my first sample done on the day.. lots of brayering and background stamping ..

Next I moved onto this... the night before I had soaked some muslin in grunge paste, this was draped over a large tag and left to dry overnight... I only just remembered to grab it and pack it in my bag on the morning!

it was painted, then brushed with Treasure Gold... the other side was stencilled and stamped, finally the flowers,leaves and small tag were added. 

I adore this texture and will be using this technique again. 

My third sample was created with the help of a lovely little girl who came to chat. She chose the colours, and the hearts, and even the placement of the hearts. She asked lots of questions and was delightful... I was so impressed with her knowledge of colour mixing. I am guessing she was about 7. I heard all about her knitting, making bags, boys at school and the names of her friends lol

By then it was 1pm and the very gorgeous Sue Carrington arrived to take over on the demo desk. While I had been feeling so much better I wasn't prepared for how quickly I would get tired, so she was a very welcome sight. 

I had some lunch and then a wander around the show, a rare treat really as usually i don't get much time to go exploring. 

I picked up some stencils.. 

Crackle paste, silicone moulds and some skulls from  MDF man Rob. 

This is a limited edition Treasure Gold, look how lush and rich that colour is, could not resist. 

However my most exciting purchase was this.. Powertex liquid.. I am very excited to try this out.. I don't know a lot about it, so if you have questions then best go to their website. 

After leaving Doncaster I was able to catch up with some family, including my brother in law who is visiting from Oz.. and then it was home and in my pjs. 

It was so good to spend time with the PA team again, and with Lesley, Ruth, Sue, Julie and everyone else who popped by the stand to chat. I am afraid I wasn't at my best lol but  it is always a pleasure to see you all. 

Darcy x


  1. some lovely samples, Darcy - love the muslin/GP tag - must try and get some muslin from somewhere... Fab looking purchases too.

  2. Fab samples Darcy. Glad to hear you were well enough to get to the show. Sounds like it was touch and go there for a while. Hope you are no longer channelling your inner Sea Lion :oD Looking forwrd to seeing all your new crafting goodies in action. That Treasure Gold is LUSH and I know you'll do some exciting things with the Powertex liquid. It's on my wish list. It's magical stuff.


  3. Sorry I missed you...I too has had snotty cold. Glad you are recovering now :D XXX

  4. Wonderful samples. Glad you are better.

  5. I really hope you're feeling much better by now Darcy. I'm glad you had a lovely time at Donny & your samples are gorgeous.
