
Saturday 2 June 2012

circle journal

Time for another page in the circle journal.. This time it was in Janey's book.

I know she loves all things Sir Tim, the grungy steampunky, little metal embellies etc...but i don't have any. I just can't afford to buy those kinds of this is the closest I could get..

I started with acrylic paints and drips.... I really wanted to add some cogs, but I do not have the Tim Holtz cogs die, so I asked in the circle journal group and the wonderful Lynn said she would cut some cogs from both foam and chipboard for me. this meant I could glue them together and make a set of stamps.

I also pressed some  plastic cogs from an old spirograph into hot foam and created more stamps..

I added some copper foil from the inside of a chocolate bar..

Next I stamped the cogs again using texture paste..

I then painted the texture paste and sprinkled on some embossing powder..

next I made the owl, and totally forgot to take photos long the way..

I used a thick glossy page full of cogs from a car magazine for the head and wings, cut a separate for the beak. I used buttons for the eyes. I then took an old clock apart, and used the metal face for the body. I backed it with more of the thick magazine, I dropped  some cogs into the centre and set them in place with matte accents.

the owl is only attached to the page by the head, so that the body lifts up..

and here is the tag that goes with the page..


  1. This is really great!!! Love the color and all the textures and layers. You did a great job :0)

  2. Fantastic page, brilliant way of achieving the look of all the Tim Holtz goodies without all the expense ( much more creative and more personal too in my opinion !) the owl is fantastic xxx

  3. That is awesome steampunkage Darcy!. Probably wouldn't have been so imaginative if you'd had the official merchandise :D xxx

  4. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. :* You made my day :) And thank you for visiting - now I can check you interesting blog :)
