
Friday 1 June 2012

postcard challenge

week 22.. Thailand..

Poor effort from me this week, I have been off colour all week and desperately trying to keep up with everything,

so all I have for you is my card front..

There was so much to look at in Thailand, and pretty much all of it beautiful. But I looked to the myths and legends.


The folktale of Manora generally prevails in all regions of Thailand. However, in Southern Thailand, it has been performed as the traditional dance of the region, called “Nora”. The story of Manora unfolds as follows :
King Athittayawong of the City of Udon Panja had a son named Phra Suthon. One day, a brave, competent hunter named Phran Bun went to hunt at the faraway Himavanta forest. On his way, he came across seven kinnaris [half female-half bird creatures], who took off their wings and tails for a swim. The hunter used a noose to harness them and caught the youngest, Manora. He promptly brought her back to the city and presented her to Phra Suthon to become his wife.
One day, when the enemies attacked the capital city of Udon Panja the King authorized Phra Suthon to expel them. The night when Phra Suthon defeated the enemy, King Athittayawong dreamed that his intestines came out, binding the universe. He sent for an astrologer to interpret the dream. The astrologer who had wicked intentions toward Phra Suthon, deceptively predicted that it was a bad omen, for Phra Suthon had taken an evil woman from Himavanta as his wife. To ward off the bad omen, he had to offer Manora as a sacrifice. When Manora heard of the advice, she developed a tactic for an escape.
She requested to have enough ornaments that would make her more beautiful before her death. She put on wings and a tail and then performed fabulous dances that overwhelmingly excited the audience. Then she hastily flew back to her parents at Khao Krailat. However, since Manora had been associated with human beings for quite some time, she was ordered by her father to confine herself to a palace outside the city. Only when she succeeded in getting rid of the odour of human beings, she would be brought back to the city. Phra Suthon was surprised to know what had happened to Manora when he returned to the city after his victory over his enemies. He immediately went to Khao Krailat. At the time of his arrival in the city, Manora had just completed washing herself for the total of seven years, seven months and seven days . Thao Pathum, Manora’s father, heard of Phra Suthon’s arrival. The King thought that his guest had great powers and enormous tenacity so he asked Phra Suthon to demonstrate his powers until the King was happily satisfied. Then he ordered his seven daughters to sit together and asked Phra Suthon to identify Manora among the seven. If he could identify Manora, they would be allowed to get married. Since all the seven daughters were very much alike, Phra Suthon was extremely confused. By the power of Phra Suthon’s confusion transforming himself into a golden fly and landed on Manora’s hair. Phra Suthon then could point her out and they got married.

So here is my card showing a Kinnaris..

When I get chance I will write the back and make the book page for it.


add your name and blog link and then go visiting.

Please only link up if you are taking part in the postcard challenge..


  1. I love your card Darcy and the history is amazing.A xx

  2. Lovely postcard from you, Darcy. Have a good day you all! Valerie

  3. Do hope you are feeling a little better, Darcy. Your postcard is beautiful and I love the story.

    Janet xx

  4. Love the story and your postcard, hope you feel better soon.
    Jen x

  5. I love these folk stories you are sharing with us :D Hope your feeling better soon :D XXX

  6. Hope June is easier on you! Still love your drawing, and the story behind it!
    I'm ready to tackle England, and Thailand. Almost there... :)

  7. love your card <3 it makes me happy to look at and the rest , well it will come.


  8. Poor you, Darcy...hope you're back to feeling your perky self soon. You're STILL an inspiration...enjoyed reading your Thai folktale (I love interesting from each country) and your drawing is beautiful... and very Thai!!

    Big, healing hugs,

  9. a blue chicken butt girl..i like it!

  10. a great read, also great colours on your postcard.Hope you are feeling better soon. take care.x

  11. Kinnaris is gorgeous! :) I'm here linking another week. :)

  12. Great reading about Thailand.Cheers

  13. Cool card. I am sure the book page will be just as intriguing as the rest of the book

  14. Beauitful card, I love your colours and choice of image! Enjoyed the read as well Mx

  15. Darcy BTW I loved your 30 faces challenge-Especially the one to honr QE- I would love to be there for the celebrations!!
    Anyways Thailand page is done -so off to spend my last vacation day shopping for art supplies!
