
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Weekly Face on Weds

Another child today, I didn't think this one would be as hard as the last baby, but it turned out harder. There are a few places where it just isn't right, it makes her look much older than she is. But practice is the name of the game, so I shall keep on trying. 

Initial sketch, just getting in the shapes ..

Starting with the eye.. 

 I really liked this eye

both eyes done and a little shading done with a paperstump..

Starting adding some lines in the hair., and shaped the nose..

Shading in the hair..

light shading around the face. 

almost done, not happy with bits of  it but I don't have the skills to change it. I could start over, but I think it's important to keep them all as a learning tool. 

I darkened the background to help define the face a little. 

overall it turned out ok, that is to say I really like it as a face.. I am just not happy with the resemblance to the little girl. Having said that, I am not a portrait artist, I never will be. Even if I was, I don't think the point is to create an exact replica of a person. If you want that then take a photo. A drawing is more of an interpretation, sure it's great if they can be recognized, and over time I hope to get better at that. But it's more about bringing a face to life...maybe? I have no idea really, all I can say is that I enjoy these faces. I do not find them easy at all, they truly test my patience. But hopefully I am improving. 

Darcy x


  1. Beautiful face, you have done a lovely portrait full of expression & stunning soulful eyes. Thanks for sharing your drawing, good to see how they develop :-) xxx

  2. Stunning portrait! Talented bunni! xxx

  3. Darkening the background certainly made her stand out. So much character there Darcy! X

  4. I love the way you do those eyes. There's so much life and sparkle in them. You're right, dark against light is a great tool to make any drawing more dimensional. Good work Darcy!

  5. I think it's lovely Darcy, she looks a lively little thing..

  6. She's beautiful. Darcy! Her eyes have such depth!! How are you??? xoxox

  7. She is gorgeous. I like her eyes and lips.

  8. Your drawing radiates life and I love her. She conveys there is a story to tell which makes her so interesting. She is fab x

  9. Oh those eyes! First the man and now this little girl. You are SUPER good at what you are doing. The eyes hold the life to the image and you bring that out so well.

  10. Hello Miss Darcy, I'm honored you visited my nest, I've heard so much about you from your biggest fan Miss Julie Ann, I'm a fan now too, your stamps are fantastic, all your work is the portraits are breathtaking, eekkss tons of inspiration here, not that I can draw a stick man lol, I'm glad I visited, I'm going to have a good snoop around, thanks for all the sharing you do, have a wonderful week...P.S. Loooooooove your red hair, your too cute...((( BIG HUGS)))...
