Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Happy Mail

Lookie lookie, see what i got in the mail today...

This tiny picture was painted by my friend Blade..

see his blog...HERE...

and come along to his ustream shows every Tuesday HERE...and Thursday HERE...

Blade is painting these little pictures

on the backs of playing cards...

how cool is that....anyhoo the other week he showed this giraffe painting on his show, and mentioned that it and others were for sale. He is raising money to get his own gallery/studio open to the public.

Watching the show was the beautiful Dede..

see her blog HERE...

and watch her informative and often hilariously funny shows HERE

Now Dede knows that I love giraffes, and being the generous and loving person she is, she bought the painting and sent it to me.

Two wonderful friends, I am grateful to have them both in my life.


  1. How cool is that!!! Blades shows are just too late for me, but I'm loving his style...and Dede sounds a total treasure :D XXX

  2. Glad it arrived safely and you like it so much. It was just meant to live with you, Darcy. Enjoy!
    Thanks for the nice comments too! (hug)
