Page 32 Discover.
I coloured the page front and back using distress inks.
On the front I added a photo of me at school. I was about 6yrs old. I printed the photo on regular photo paper, then sanded it. After gluing it down, I added more distress inks to the areas that had been sanded.
next I added white acrylic, more distress inks,some alphabet stamping and a couple of apples for the teacher.
I printed put my title, snipped it apart and glued it on, edging it with pencil and pen doodling.
On the back i stamped these pencil images, cut them apart and glued them on.
then I added my printed journalling.
Saturday 13 August 2011
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I hadn't heard the quotation before about education *being* life, thank you.
ReplyDeleteThis is cool Darcy great layering ;0) Dxx
ReplyDeleteSad to read about how hard it was for you: but what a great and sustaining quotation!
ReplyDeleteEnjoying this peek at some of the earlier "52 pages" challenge. (followed the TAG)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear what a difficult road you had to travel, but it was very uplifting to read the outcome and your continued passion for learning!!! I love happy endings :D and I love your page! - vicki xo