Thursday 14 February 2013

Exciting new releases!

I am sure most of you already know of the fabulous PaperArtsy, if you have yet to fall in love with their stuff then head over to their shop and have a rummage.

For the next 3days, on the PAPERARTSY BLOG you will see some sneaks of brand new releases of rubber stamp collections. Today the collection features new stamps from  Jo Firth-Young.

I was very lucky to be asked to try out the new stamps and make some samples for this weekend's show in Birmingham. So I set to work and made 4 art journal pages.

Today I will show you the finished pieces, and then next week..over 4 days.. I will show you the step by step photos for each page.

first up JO FY PLATE 9

I didn't want to use these stamps just as flowers, so I decided to make them into a funky hairdo...(on Monday I will show you the step by step photos)

Next I opened up JO FY PLATE 10

Another super set of stamps, such pretty flowers need to be picked and in vases..( Check back on Tuesday for the step by step photos)

The third set of stamps are JO FY PLATE 11...

This is more of a minimal plate, but with the addition of lots of journalling words that you can mix and match into your own sentences. ( more photos to follow on Wedsnesday)

Finally..JO FY PLATE 12...

Don't ask me why but the bottom flower reminded me of an Easter egg....(check here on Thursday for more photos)

I hope you will agree that they are beautiful stamps, and so very do not  have to bejust  flowers lol..

These stamps are so brand new they are not even available on the website yet, but keep your eyes peeled as they are coming to a stamp store near you very soon. in the meantime check out the other stamps in the JOFY COLLECTION

Do come back after the weekend for lots more photos of how I put these pages together. 


  1. Utterly stunning Darcy. Thanks so much for sharing your amazing creativity with us all!

  2. Darcy, these samples are just incredible - you have a wonderfully vivid imagination, and I love how you've used the stamps in such a different way.

  3. Darcy, I'm blown away by your talent and creativity, your take on Jo's beautiful stamps is just astonishing and I can't wait to see the step by steps to see how you achieved the finished projects.


  4. OMG Darcyface!!!!Wait til the designer sees what you did with her images!!! Major league *sqeeeeeeeeing* ...and your journal is going to be luscious!(They will be giving these pages back right?) :D XXX

  5. These are so sensational, Darcy - so full of imagination and creativity - an almighty WOW from me!!
    Alison x

  6. So nice Darcy! I really love all what cames from your mind :-)
    Can´t wait to see next post♥

  7. Wow Darcy these are absolutely stunning ! I love how you've used these stamps in such an inspirational way ! Sue C x

  8. Woo hooo Darcy, amazing samples, you have rocked these new stamps:) x

  9. Your journal pages are amazing and so inventive - I need your imagination lol! Love these stamps by Jo. x

  10. My first visit via PaperArtsy's Blog and it won't be my last. Fabulous pages and I'll be back to see how you made them.

    Lesley Xx

  11. Your pieces are stunning Darcy & I adore the ladies - thank you for creating these beautiful witty pieces.

  12. Love your take on the new stamps, uber cool
    Happy craftin

  13. Darcy these are all flippin amazing! I mean how cool! I really love them all and you are mega talented. They are fantastic new stamps too. Michelle x

  14. will you be in Brum???? I am only an hour away - we could have tea together... dxxx

    1. sorry no i am not doing the Brum show, would have been lovely to meet up if i had been there.. *sad face*

  15. Recognised your work a mile off on the paperartsy blog! Fabulous samples, so that's what you were working on while I was annoying you on the phone!

  16. These are all so lovely and look fun to work with. Love the artwork you've created with the images, just beautiful. hugs, Kimberly
