Wednesday 27 October 2010

Not much happening here. I still can't get into my craft room to play so i have a little pile of stash on the sofa next to me, looks like I have built a nest lol I have made a few cards and done a little knitting. I have also started the first 2 lessons on Willowing's free course. I can't finish them yet as I am waiting on some new crayons to arrive which invalid boy very generously ordered for me.

these cards were all really quick 10 min cards based on sketches from Kirsty's blog.

Speaking of invalid boy, we had good news yesterday, he had a checkup at hospital, the doc was very pleased with the healing progress. He was told that he is ahead of where they expected him to be, and that he should be walking again within 3 weeks.YAY!!!

I will be glad to have a rest from cooking meals, in 6 weeks I have not repeated an evening meal. It's amazing the recipes you can find online lol

I have started having acupuncture, had 2 sessions so far. I was so worried it would be horrible, but it didn't hurt at all. I get 5 needles in each ear, and it is supposed to help with the hot flushes that I have because of my medication, hope it starts to work. I also have to go for a bone density scan, I am sure that will be fun..not .
Watch out for giant jaffa cake recipe this weekend. You will need a sponge flan case, an orange jelly, dark chocolate and double cream.


  1. Glad to see you have had some you are just fab and the food sound just too yummy!
    sasa 28

  2. Oh wow so wonderful creations on your desk.

  3. Giant Jaffa cakes sound too good to be true!!!!!!!!!!
    Chrissie #9

  4. Yummy ... Giant Jaffa cakes sound like heaven ... LOVE your cards ... a lot actually!

  5. Your cards look really gorgeous and so do the cakes on your posts below - YUM!

  6. Wonderful cards! Thanks for the peek. S #84

  7. I wondered if you were Kirsty's Darcy!
    [Love your name]

    Fabby cards, glad all is making you smile in your world
    have to say WOW on the 6 weeks!!

    Happy WOYWW

  8. Awesome cards - I am doing Willowings course as well - not started yet due to not enough time on my hands...which crayons did you get - I have the Stampin Up ones and wondered if they would be ok...will have to go look for you on the forum...x

  9. giant jaffa makings sitting ready and awaiting instructions -

    so glad the manboy is nearly valid again...

    try hugging the 22 year old one too - I have found that the older the child is the more interesting the sounds they make when squeezed by a mummy 17 year old yells 'inappropriate' at top volume epescially if it happens in the Westfeild Shopping Centre 'cos I'm bored and have taken to meaningless hug mode


  10. pretty cards - and that cake sounds yummy! Sheena #99

  11. OMG...yum, yum, yum - re: this weekend's recipe. And glad the man boy(?) - I'm assuming your son?? - is healing. :-)
    Those cards look fantastic. Beautiful colours!!!

  12. Love your cards. Hope both of you are soon feeling well and back to good health. #46

  13. Pen and paper at the ready for the Giant Jaffa cake recipe!!

    Love the cards and hope the acupuncture works!!


  14. Those cards look great. Did they really take only 10 mins each? Will be back for the jaffa cake recipe as they are hubbies favourite. Great site.
    Lizzie #141

  15. Lovely simple little cards Darcy. Glad to hear your mister is doing better, the Sole part of this blog title obviously refers to him now, yes??!! Looking at earlier posts I see you have some of The Chalet School series of books, are these the ones that have whole passages in French and German, or am I thinking of something else? Like the sound of Green Tomato cake, we had fried green tomatoes and scrambled eggs for breakfast last Sunday morning! Very tasty they were too!

    Brenda 89

  16. those cards are smashing. caroline #14

  17. Such simple looking cards, and so beautiful as well.

  18. Great cards. Don't worry about the bone density scan. They did mine through my foot. I saw it all on a screen.Amazing

  19. Thanks so much for the sweet words you left on my blog. I know YOU know back pain. I'm still moving slowly, but trying to start visiting people who visited me. I was totally impressed by those cards and especially not being able to get to your craft room. Glad to hear the good news about hubby. I'm sure HE was pleased, too. And that cake in the next post looks too good to be true. Sounds like you were all ready for Halloween. We don't go through all that bagging of gifts in the states. You have your trick or treaters spoiled. Happy very belated WOYWW (# 15).
