Saturday 24 September 2011

I have been meaning to show you some awesome happy mail that I received from the equally awesome Donna-do-dah ..just lookie what she sent..

First up a seemingly random little booklet full of knitting patterns, however i happen to love this bag pattern, so I think i will make it. Also one of Donna's beautiful arty faces made into a laminated postcard. I just luuuuurve her faces..

Next up an assortment of giraffy goodness and ultimate glee..

Just look at that wee stubby pencil, it has gone in my bag of giraffe 'stuff' that will get made into a giraffe book one day. The giraffe with the huuuuge feet is now hanging on my painting bag, he's prollly high from the fumes by now.

But the large giraffe was handmade by Donna herself, now admittedly he's not a very conventional looking giraffe, but then Donna isn't conventional..thank goodness...and she know that neither am I.

I am a little worried about his lack of eyes, so I will add some..

finally the most fabulous junk/smash journal ever...

It is jam packed full of treasures, hidden pages and pully out bits...i cannot even begin to describe just how cool it is., and these photos do not do it justice. I may have to make a short video showing you just how marrrrvelous it is.

go HERE ... to see Donna's photos of the insides.


  1. Oh wow what amazing goodies.

  2. I'm in the same gang as I also have one of these amazing books. The Doone Gal is generous in her doings in kind and deed as well as in spirit. A unique treasure of this world.
    Love JoZarty x

  3. I am so glad that giraffe is out of my house and in yours where he can find Him Self Some Lurve... the journal is by way of thanks for all the gifts to me and understanding that I am currently the crappiest skyper it the universe and I still have not 'seen' you because I have yet to lay down your bedroom floor...

